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Pirri x Jelmer Konjo sweater

In February '22, Jelmer Konjo (1993) was a guest in the Pirri store to host an exhibition there. Jelmer Konjo is an artist from Rotterdam who makes illustrations, sculptures and installations. Originally he started with skateboarding and graffiti, that's how he actually grew into the artist world. From there he went on to the graphic lyceum, in order to go deeper. Jelmer Konjo's graffiti era can be seen in the art he makes now. His work looks very colorful, playful and unique. Using humour, he wants people to think more deeply about what the spectators see and experience, instead of just looking at the technique behind the work. What he finds very important is the relationship between artist and spectator. Jelmer Konjo encourages people to sit at his work. In this way he tries to bring back the unrestrainedness of a child in the viewer.

Pirri and Jelmer Konjo made a hoodie together for the exhibition. The playful way of illustrating clearly shows the style of Jelmer Konjo in the design.

Pirri x Jelmer Konjo

Click here to watch the promotional video of Pirri x Jelmer Konjo.

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